Why don’t I have full speed to my modem?

A few different things can cause this issue.  The most common cause is bad cabling between the wall and the modem and equipment that doesn’t meet minimum system requirements.


Steps to resolve:

  1. Make sure the modem is directly connected to the wall.
    • Bypass any splitters so there is just one coax cable from the wall to the modem. This is just to run a test and not a permanent configuration.

  2. Unscrew the cable from the back of the modem and from the wall. Then screw them back on.  Make sure they are screwed all the way on.

3. Run another speed test.

4. If you don’t see any improvement contact us.

  • We will make sure your modem is up to date and that it meets minimum system requirements to run your speeds.


Our hours are 9AM-9PM EST Mon-Sat and 1PM-6PM EST Sun.  During those hours you can reach a trained agent in our U.S. based call center.  After hours you can always leave a message and we will respond as soon as possible.

Internet Support: (877) 735-6089

You’re also welcome to email anytime at dish_support@bloombroadband.com.